Explore this 150 million year old historical and mythical caves complex and witness its unique flora, fauna and its magnificent rock formations which will definitely captivate you. With cave chambers dubbed to be one of the best in this region, Kota Gelanggi Caves offers an inspiring and breathtaking adventure experience. Indulge in the myths behind these caves and explore the wonderful works of nature through beautiful rock formations sculptured by time. Legend has it that these caves were actually ancient ruins of inhabitants who were turned into stones together with their belongings. An old man of the house can be seen here sitting on his chair by his oven or furnace with loaves of bread and his cupboard filler with flour and sugar all turned to stone. Drop by and witness these wonders yourself and experience the beauty of the stalagmites and stalactites as well as the unique and strangely shaped rock formations. All crafted with fitness by the time and nature. 万年洞位于我国彭亨州而连突, 距离吉隆坡约216公里. 万年洞是一座山峦叠起的石灰岩洞, 在蓝天白云衬托之下, 特显气势磅礴. 万年洞约有500公顷, 距今已有130万年历史, 根据英国探测家 W. Cameron(金马仑高原的开发人) 在1882年的记载, 这里曾被一位名叫Raja Gelanggi的国王所统治, 而获名Gua Kota Gelanggi. 这里发现了138个石灰岩洞, 有10个石灰岩洞是供游人游览的, 如: Gua Gajah, Gua Terang Bulan, Gua sanding, Gua Tongkat, Gua Penyu, Gua Gelap, Gua Tangga 99, Gua Angin, Gua Kelawa等. 最著名的就是Gua Balai (又称Gua Kepayang), 根据马来四亚的历史记载这里就是彭亨州的勇士Mat Kilau逃避英兵的蒇身之地. 民间也流传, 这里是当时你的彭亨苏丹和勇士商讨对抗英政府秘密会议的地方。
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