绿苑民宿共拥有8间大小不一的房间。简单而大方的寝具,给人无比温馨舒适的休闲空间。舒适的房间,让游客拥有安稳的睡眠...这民宿也提供了各种适合团队参与的户外活动,包括国家公园、大象村,爬山洞等等。We provide customized team building programe.
*Min 6 Pax & Above. *Price listed subject to change without prior notice. Please check with our tour desk for lastest updated price, if any. *Select any 2 Activities. Activities Include: 2. 白葉山 Four WD Off Road Adventure Lata Berembun Waterfall (3000ft. height) Tour (minimum 8 pax) -白叶山最具魅力的越野攻略,充分发挥与提高人类享受大自然,挑战自我的能力和勇气。充分激发越野者挑战极限,战胜自我的潜能。白葉山位於彭亨勞勿,那是屬於眾多山中相當獨特的一座。白葉山共分爲3個較具規模的瀑布,第一座擁百尺高,激流沖入一個大湖,湖水清澈見低,冰涼透 體,名 爲僊女湖,第二座瀑布下的是溜冰湖,從瀑布滑下去轉個彎,讓滑水者回到瀑布底下,第三座爲白葉山瀑布,它分別有二層瀑布,急流從下一個湖又從下另一個湖, 頻爲壯觀。 4. Gunung Senyum Cave Exploration 5. Cave Kota Gelanggi Adventure Experience cave exploration. The stalactite and stalagmite in the caves are the world’s first class and untouched. 6. Kuala Gandah Elephant Santuary -在大象村这里每天会有大象表演,展示训练技巧,另外还有骑大象活动。表演的大象相当聪明,能按照指示表演各种动作。还可以选择骑大象。游客也可以用香蕉等一些水果来喂食大象。大象很可爱,憨态可掬,还有表演可以看。 7.Pahang River Cruise -Visit the largest FAMA Market (Pasar Tani )a buzz with the trading of local produce of all kinds.参观泛马本地菜市场 -Experienced 45 minutes ( 15 seater wooden boat with rooftop ).Boat cruise ride Sungai Pahang.Along the river,enjoy the cool refreshing air and the natural beauty of rainforest along the ride.On the way back visit Patin & Talapia Fish Sanctuary Sangkar.坐船约一小时享受著名的彭亨河源流风光明媚的原貌。途中可观看巴丁鱼和非洲鱼的养殖场。请准备胶袋包裹随身物品,以防被河水溅湿。 8. Jungle trekking to Jerantut Hill 9. Jeram Besu whitewater Rafting ( min 10 pax) (add extra RM70 perperson) 10.Fruit Plantation Tour *For Details, please refer to respective package. √ Friendly & experienced Tour Guide * Above itinerary subjected to the weather & local condition.
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